How to accesing  linux instance from window  instance on AWS

How to accesing linux instance from window instance on AWS

To access a Linux instance from a Windows instance on AWS, you can use an SSH client. Here are the steps to access a Linux instance from a Windows instance:

Step 1: Sign in to AWS Management Console

Create an AWS Account If you don't already have an AWS account, Sign in to AWS Management Console

Step 2: Go to EC2 Dashboard

Go to EC2 Dashboard and create a new instance in the AWS Management Console. To do this, navigate to the EC2 service in the AWS Management Console, and click on "Launch Instance"

Step 3: Click on Launch Instances From Dashboard

Choose the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that you want to use. In this case, select a Windows AMI and a Linux AMI.

First, ensure that both the Windows and Linux instances are in the same VPC and that the security groups allow communication between the instances and Connect to the Windows instance using RDP. you can refer to the article for Windows server creation.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Windows Server on AWS

Step 4: Create a New Key Pair

Create a Key Pair To access your Windows Server instance, you will need to create a key pair. This will enable you to securely connect to your server using an SSH client. Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new key pair.

Ensure that you have created both .pem and .ppk files. As we know .ppk file is used for the Putty. The key Pair type should be RSA for Linux.

Here We can see that both instances are running

Step 5: Install an SSH client on the Windows instance. You can use a tool like PuTTY, MobaXterm, or Git Bash

Here we have installed Putty.exe Windows guest machine and Copied the .ppk file you created from your host machine as you can see I’ve already copied it to my guest OS.

Open Putty.exe and Enter the Host Name i.e. ec2-useIP.


Step 6: Here Your Linux CLI will open up, now enter the login user credential

Once you are logged in, you can run commands and manage the Linux environment using the terminal. Note that SSH traffic uses port 22, so you may need to update the security group settings to allow inbound traffic on this port